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To help ensure that housing and other basic human needs are within everyone’s reach in an affordable and dignified manner.


The Missouri Valley Coalition for Homeless People, Inc. is a regional nonprofit dedicated to helping ensure that housing and other basic human needs are within everyone’s reach in an affordable and dignified manner. The Coalition is comprised of over 40 members, all of which have an interest in the issues of homelessness and/or the less fortunate.

MVCHP provides services to those in need, at no cost, within ten counties: Burleigh, Emmons, Grant, Kidder, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, Sheridan, and Sioux Counties in central North Dakota (region 7)

If you are homeless/at risk of homelessness, or If you, or someone you know, may be at risk of homelessness or currently homeless, Please contact: (701) 390-1624

The Missouri Valley Coalition for Homeless People, Inc. exists to advocate, coordinate and optimize services for homeless persons across North Dakota’s Missouri Valley

To attend MVCHP’s coalition Meetings: 10:00am, 2nd Monday of every month at Century Baptist Church, Bismarck.

Missouri Valley Coalition for Homeless People


Our Mission:
To help ensure that housing and other basic human needs are within everyone’s reach in an affordable and dignified manner.


The Missouri Valley Coalition for Homeless People, Inc. is a regional nonprofit dedicated to helping ensure that housing and other basic human needs are within everyone’s reach in an affordable and dignified manner. The Coalition is comprised of over 40 members, all of which have an interest in the issues of homelessness and/or the less fortunate.


Members of the MVCHP provide services to those in need in 10 counties [counties]  Please see the Resources List to connect with MVCHP members who provide direct services and resources.

Please click here  to view our 5 year plan to help with ending homelessness in our area


If you are homeless or you are at risk of homelessness, please contact one of the homeless access points listed on our Resources Page. You must start with the highlighted help centers first.

 We will keep you posted on all upcoming meetings for the future. Thank you all so much for the support you give!

Click here for next scheduled meetings

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